00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
3-Day LIVE Challenge

Master Your Blood Sugar In 3 Days & Reboot your Energy

How do you get your blood sugar down? You leave your body with no other option. 
Get instant access to the same strategies and frameworks we use to help lower the blood sugar for our clients, Like   Marbella, Jennifer, Terri,  and many others!
3-Day LIVE Challenge

Master Your Blood Sugar In 3 Days & Reboot your Energy

How do you get your blood sugar down? You leave your body with no other option. 
Get instant access to the same strategies and frameworks we use to help lower the blood sugar for our clients, Like Marbella, Jennifer, Terri, and many others!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

The 3-Day Fasting Challenge Is Here!

If you are a pre-diabetic, diabetic, have insulin resistance, or struggle with your weight the easiest way to get instant results in your health virtually overnight — without worrying about what diet is the right diet for you - is through fasting.

 Join us for Fasting; Camp, November 29-31, where you will discover our time tested proven formula, used by hundreds of our clients that has helped them lower their blood sugar over the last 15 years in healthcare.

It's time that you got out of your head, and into your new self

Featured Testimonials

I attended the training last year and it lit a fire under me to try out virtual events. I decided to pivot from having to cancel most of my 3-day live events and retreats for 2020 to hosting my very first 3-day virtual event in June 2020. Since then, I've hosted 3 virtual 3-day events, served 150 attendees and generated $640,000 in sales.
Rosetta Thurman
Once in a lifetime event! I tell everybody who's striving to do virtual events about our experience with Blue and Bari, but I just can't do it justice when describing the experience.
George R. Williams, Jr.

What others are saying about us

Andres is a fantastic person. He is on fire when explaining you how to turn your illness into wellness. He is extremely knowledgeable and passionate
Simon Schimid
Best health-hacker out there... and one of the most positive supportive people you'll find. Definitely make sure you connect with him if you want to develop key strategies to make your life better
Lee Weland
Dr. Z is not only deeply knowledgeable in his field but highly intelligent in the way he interprets and applies the latest advances in medicine
Bhuvnesh Khosla
My fasting blood sugar is 83 this morning, 
Yay me! 
Nicole Cruz
Participating in Dr. Zuleta's Challange was so importannt in my life with Diabetes!! He is an outstanding human being and a wonderful teacher - always showeing us new ways of healing our Diabetes. The camaraderie with the other participants was fabulous. There were many connecting opportunities that brought us close to one aanother on the journey, and we were great cheerleaders for one another :) I can highly recommend this program. I promise you willl learn many new things annd create lasting results wth the training. 
France Robinson
Two days in a row my blood sugar has been 90. The only time it was over 90, it was 97
Marvella Spencer
Andres is such an inspiration to me and many others. He exudes possibility, hope and enthusiasm and I am honored to have him as one of my teachers in life. 
Sarah Cordial
Dr. Z is a first class example of how medical practitioners should be: caring, compassionate, positive, knowledgeable and open-minded. he is very bright and passionate about all things health and life. You definitely want him in your corner. 

Why You CANNOT Afford to MISS This FREE 3-Day Fasting Camp


Here at THRIVEMED, we always start things with Seizing the Opportunity First. It's engrained in our DNA. I'ts actually the root definition of the word THRIVING - "To Seize the Opportunity." 
So with Day 1, we're going to take you through an exercise that we do with every single one of our private clients. By doing this, you'll be able to see what your body needs, and  how when you do this to your body, your body is like a chemistry beaker, and a chemical reaction will happen.  This will lower your blood sugar so you can create health that will fuel everything you love. 
Understanding this is key to creating health and a life that serves YOU!


The second day of The Fasting Challenge is going to be all about designing the type of fast that you will do  included how to talk to your healthcare practitioners about what doing. The reality is, when it comes to Pre-Diabetes, Diabets, Insulin resistance and obesity, there are several models that work.
Understanding what your needs and your clients needs are (the Day 1 work), will make selecting your HTO Structure much easier than you likely thought possible!


The last day of Offer Camp is designed to help you understand what we call the "Throughline". You see, your High Ticket Offer doesn't live in a bubble. It has to fit inside of your business structure, and understanding your throughline is the key to making sure your business and your HTO work cohesively together.
By the end of these three days, you'll have your high ticket offer ready to gout into the world, and start enrolling high paying clients. The types of clients that are recession proof, allowing you to essentially create your OWN economy, through the power of a high ticket offer.
There’s no stopping you now! Fired Up! Ready to go!

What You’ll Learn From This Event

Here at THRIVEMED, we always start things with Strategy First. It's engrained in our DNA. Its actually in our name, as THRIVEMED stands for Strategic Advice for Growing Events!
  • So with Day 1, we're going to take you through an exercise that we do with every single one of our private clients. By doing this, you'll be able to see what your body needs, and how when you do this to your body, your body is like a chemistry beaker, and a chemical reaction will happen. This will lower your blood sugar so you can create health that will fuel everything you love. !
  • The second day of The Fasting Challenge is going to be all about designing the type of fast that you will do included how to talk to your healthcare practitioners about what doing. The reality is, when it comes to Pre-Diabetes, Diabets, Insulin resistance and obesity, there are several models that work.
  • ​The last day of Offer Camp is designed to help you understand what we call the "Throughline". You see, your High Ticket Offer doesn't live in a bubble. It has to fit inside of your business structure, and understanding your throughline is the key to making sure your business and your HTO work cohesively together.
There’s no stopping you now! Fired Up! Ready to go!

Why This 3-Day Fasting Challenge Is All You Need to Jumpstart Your Blood Sugar Mastery

Do you ever wonder how some people are able to achieve the success they do, regardless of the diet they consume? Let me tell you the answer in one simple word: Fasting.

I can tell you this because every single one of them, in addition to many others you know, are clients of ours. Clients that we personally helped lower their blood sugar for over the last 15 years in healthcare, and these techniques have resulted in countless pounds, and decrease in blood sugars for those clients.

And now, we want to help YOU lower your blood sugar during three days that we're calling Fasting Challenge! Starting this Saturday, October 29th, we're going to walk you through the exact same process we used to craft the fasting strategy that have had seen tremendous success in lowering peoples blood sugar regardless of the diet they have chosen to consume.  

Here's what we know. There is never a time where your right fit client isn’t out there struggling with a problem. It’s the very problem you solve. The one you solve in your course, or in your membership, in your funnel, or in your one-to-one coaching.

Your high ticket offer gives your Right Fit Client the chance to cut the line and get the result they want faster, simpler, easier. So, what’s holding you back? Media hype around recession, inflation and a new world order (If so, we want to let you in on a little secret, no one has the power to change the world like we do! Entrepreneurs are the new world order!)

Give us 2 hours a day for three days and we will share the proven process for designing (or refining) a high converting, high ticket offer. So, barter with your spouse, your kids, or your inner critic, because three days really can change your game forever. And, between us, if you feel the call, then you know it as clearly as we do — the time is now.

Click below to register and start creating your own economy today. 

Reserve Your Seat to
Our 3-Day Fasting Challenge

If you are ready to tune out the noise and truly master your health TODAY, join us for a no cost, no hassle,
VIRTUAL Fasting Challenge, December 2-4.

It’s time to create your own health!
Fasting Challenge